Subtext summer newsletter
Subtext issue 6 cover, featuring Bee. Read an interview with Bee in this issue
If you haven’t had a gander at Subtext for a while we recommend you come and give us a second look. We’ve developed so much over the last year and issue 6 is chock bang full of great articles and illustrations and it’s all printed on 100% recycled paper.
Your support means we can continue to produce the UK’s only feminist print magazine – totally DIY and not-for-profit.
We are very happy to announce that these fantastic contributors will be filling up the pages:
· Talking With Teens Josephine Middleton talks to Bee, her 12 year old daughter, about feminism
· The Middle Ground of the Abortion Debate Sally Cosgrove negotiates the grey areas
· Minding the Gap: The Chore War Eden Carter Wood gives us some tips on how to tackle the chore war
· Good Clean Fun Jessica Ramthum has some advice on staying safe while having fun
· No Big Deal, So Give Us All A Feel Alfie Hughes discusses casual sex
· Jo King; Queen of Burlesque Season Butler talks to strip tease superstar Jo King
· Candy Girl: Diablo Cody Collette Teasdale on Cody's memoir and self-created persona
· Branding the Bunny Red Chidgey on reports on the Bin the Bunny campaign
· Maternal Morbidity Charlotte Cooper talks maternal mortality worldwide
· HerStory: suffragettes and third wavers Michelle Wright encourages us to find some of that historical determination
· Your Place or Mine Orlanda Ward on public spaces
· Crisis in Rape Crisis Darlene Corey on the funding crisis faced by Rape Crisis centres
· Cunt: The Last Taboo Sarah Westlake tackles the last taboo
· 'But what if I don't want to do Business Studies?' Laura Way on why Women's Studies is still a worthwhile and relevant degree
· Brilliant Women Virginia Newman reviews the Brilliant Women exhibition
· Feminist Flicks Kate Townshend provides some recommended viewing
Plus, Old and News, keeping you out of date with feminist news you may have missed
Your support means we can continue to produce the UK’s only feminist print magazine – totally DIY and not-for-profit.
We are very happy to announce that these fantastic contributors will be filling up the pages:
· Talking With Teens Josephine Middleton talks to Bee, her 12 year old daughter, about feminism
· The Middle Ground of the Abortion Debate Sally Cosgrove negotiates the grey areas
· Minding the Gap: The Chore War Eden Carter Wood gives us some tips on how to tackle the chore war
· Good Clean Fun Jessica Ramthum has some advice on staying safe while having fun
· No Big Deal, So Give Us All A Feel Alfie Hughes discusses casual sex
· Jo King; Queen of Burlesque Season Butler talks to strip tease superstar Jo King
· Candy Girl: Diablo Cody Collette Teasdale on Cody's memoir and self-created persona
· Branding the Bunny Red Chidgey on reports on the Bin the Bunny campaign
· Maternal Morbidity Charlotte Cooper talks maternal mortality worldwide
· HerStory: suffragettes and third wavers Michelle Wright encourages us to find some of that historical determination
· Your Place or Mine Orlanda Ward on public spaces
· Crisis in Rape Crisis Darlene Corey on the funding crisis faced by Rape Crisis centres
· Cunt: The Last Taboo Sarah Westlake tackles the last taboo
· 'But what if I don't want to do Business Studies?' Laura Way on why Women's Studies is still a worthwhile and relevant degree
· Brilliant Women Virginia Newman reviews the Brilliant Women exhibition
· Feminist Flicks Kate Townshend provides some recommended viewing
Plus, Old and News, keeping you out of date with feminist news you may have missed
We’re also super grateful to our esteemed illustrators Sarah Barnes, Steven Larder, Ian Manicom and Lynda Pool for contributing to this issue.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Subscriptions *NEW!*
As of issue 6 we’re offering annual subscriptions. A subscription will get you 3 issues for £10 UK or £14 worldwide.
You can buy online *subscriptions start on the current issue unless you ask otherwise* or order via post.
As of issue 6 we’re offering annual subscriptions. A subscription will get you 3 issues for £10 UK or £14 worldwide.
You can buy online *subscriptions start on the current issue unless you ask otherwise* or order via post.
Issue 7 Contributions
Because it took such a long time for us to get issue 6 out the deadline for contributions for issue 7 (supposed to be 21st July!) has well and truly passed.
But our crazy schedule hasn’t stopped us so far, so we’re resetting the contributions deadline to one month from today *August 30th* – hopefully that’ll be enough time for you to work on an article.
Articles already in the pipeline for issue 7 include:
Interview with Holly Golightly and the Brokeoffs
Biology not destiny: the transfeminist manifesto
Interview with Bonfire Madigan
On of the best things about Subtext is hearing from you when you’ve enjoyed the magazine. We want to continue growing the magazine, making bigger and better – this means building on your suggestions as well as trying to get some money to fund your big ideas.
We’ve created an online survey where you can feedback the best and not-so-best bits of Subtext, your ideas for future issues and where you think you’d like to see Subtext heading. There are also a couple of questions in the survey that gather information that will be really useful for us when we’re selling advertising space, such as age, location and how you buy the magazine.
You can access it here – we really appreciate your input
Manchester Zine Fest 30th August
We’re super happy and excited to be involved in the Manchester Zine Fest happening on August 30th at the Urbis in Manchester.
Back when Subtext was a little tiny idea in my mind I went to the zine fest for ideas and inspiration – it was totally worth it!
This year we’re going to be giving a workshop on working with printers and distribution – we’d love to see you there.
On of the best things about Subtext is hearing from you when you’ve enjoyed the magazine. We want to continue growing the magazine, making bigger and better – this means building on your suggestions as well as trying to get some money to fund your big ideas.
We’ve created an online survey where you can feedback the best and not-so-best bits of Subtext, your ideas for future issues and where you think you’d like to see Subtext heading. There are also a couple of questions in the survey that gather information that will be really useful for us when we’re selling advertising space, such as age, location and how you buy the magazine.
You can access it here – we really appreciate your input
Manchester Zine Fest 30th August
We’re super happy and excited to be involved in the Manchester Zine Fest happening on August 30th at the Urbis in Manchester.
Back when Subtext was a little tiny idea in my mind I went to the zine fest for ideas and inspiration – it was totally worth it!
This year we’re going to be giving a workshop on working with printers and distribution – we’d love to see you there.