Fed up with seeing the same old women's magazines in doctors and dentist surgeries?
Thats where the Femagazinist initiative comes in.
We're encouraging women to buy and subscribe to feminist magazines and zines such as Subtext, Bitch, Bust and Ms.
Then when you've read your magazine we want you to leave it in a public place for others to read it.
This will have the double effect of supporting feminst publications and getting the word out.
Want to do even more? How about stickering women's magazines in doctors surgeries with slogans such as:
'Warning this magazine damages your self esteme/ confidence/ body image.'
Or in men's magazines.
'Warning the attitudes expressed in this magazine could negatively impact your relationships with women.'
Know any feminist magazines or zines that haven't been mentioned? Why not post a link and a recommendation on our wall.
So lets spread the word. Invite your friends to join the Femagazinist initiative.
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Also, I've blogged about this for The F Word